Energize your health and wellness strategy with the power of community.

Partner with us for the online peer community platform built for your goals, brand and audience and managed by our experienced team. Let’s start!

Unlock the potential of peer health support for the benefits to mental and physical wellbeing and your organization.


leadership and foster an inclusive culture of mutual support, wellbeing and resilience.


individual self-efficacy to manage chronic conditions and lifestyle behavior change with more confidence.


peer support to help alleviate the challenges of burnout, higher turnover and rising healthcare costs.


your value proposition to clients and members with a scalable, cost-efficient solution.


more choice and flexibility to support the different health needs of individuals, caregivers, and their families.


opportunities to increase the effectiveness of your existing health benefits and programs.

“Our members would be lost without the platform!!”

Michelle McClure, Executive Director, Ability Online

Digital Health Providers

How do you plan to better engage and retain members in a competitive digital health market?

Brokers / Consultants

How will you attract and retain clients shifting to more proactive health and wellbeing?


How are you addressing the declining mental and physical health of your employees?

0 in 5

adults have at least one modifiable risk factor for chronic disease.1

0 billion

Annual cost in USD from lost productivity due to personal and family health problems.2

0 years

of life expectancy on average can be lost due to living an unhealthy lifestyle.3


How are you strengthening loyalty and lasting value for your members?


How will you demonstrate commitment to the health and wellbeing of your members?

Healthcare Organizations

How do you plan to improve patient engagement and overall wellbeing?

Payers / Administrators

How are you expanding your offering to increase client and member retention?

Small / Mid-sized Organizations

Do you want an online peer health community but not under your brand?

More Ways to Benefit

Are you exploring the idea of peer support to address important organizational challenges?

We make it easy

The online peer community platform, team and experience – all in one package!







With over 16 years spent building online communities, we know it’s not just having the features but how you put them together that creates a great user experience!